Category: General
Blog #5: How To Survive The Apocalypse
Greetings, adventurer! If you’re actually able to read this at any time in the future, that means the internet is still working and the world probably didn’t descend into chaotic apocalyptic mayhem of global proportions yet. That’s excellent news! Cheers! Well, sit on down and rest your feet for a moment; especially if they’re sore…
Blog #4: January Progress Update
News Flash! I’m not perfect… In my last post, I detailed an extensive schedule of all the stuff I wanted to do. Like a template to help guide me toward staying on track day by day toward my goals. After the first month of the year, as a surprise to no one, I didn’t exactly…
Blog #3: 2020 Foresight
I’m no fortune teller and although it’s fun to think about the soothsaying divination that comes from a gift of clairvoyance, the tarot card flipping and ritualistic candle lighting that’d go into it just seems like so much more hassle than it’s really worth. In every story ever told about looking into the future things…
Thoughts After Game Addiction
After going back and forth, trying to quit excessive video gaming over and over for almost 20 years, I’m here to share some thoughts and perspectives on the topic of gaming addiction. For all the people that have struggled like I have or are continuing to struggle today with an addiction to video games. I’m…
2: Looking At What’s Next
Turning my journal into tasks In my last blog post, I mentioned how I started journaling a few years ago to help organize myself. It’s reshaped everything about my life and who I am. Getting everything in my head typed out into a doc has me so much more organized and capable of doing more…
1: Today Is A New Day
(Originally posted 9/14/2019, lightly edited 5/26/2024) Today’s a new day. It’s a lot like any other day, but today, I’m writing this blog post. I spent the last few years working on myself and my career. Sooner or later I told myself I’d start blogging about it. I guess today is both sooner and later.…